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Master Complex and High Performance Aircraft

Complex & High-Performance Endorsements

Flying aircraft with retractable landing gear or engines over 200 horsepower requires specific logbook endorsements as outlined in Federal Aviation Regulation 14 CFR 61.31, known as the complex and high-performance endorsements.

If you did not log PIC time in a complex or high-performance aircraft before August 4, 1997, these endorsements are mandatory.

The 61.31 Complex endorsement is for aircraft with retractable gear, flaps, and controllable-pitch propellers. The 61.31 High-Performance endorsement is for aircraft with engines exceeding 200 horsepower. This requirement applies to each engine individually, meaning twin-engine aircraft with a total horsepower over 200 may not need this endorsement if each engine has 200 horsepower or less.

To serve as PIC in such aircraft, a qualified flight instructor must provide the necessary logbook endorsement.

Complex & High-Performance Endorsement Requirements

Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to master the most advanced aircraft and elevate your flying proficiency to new heights.

Understanding Endorsement Requirements

There are no specific hour, distance, or numerical experience requirements for high-performance and complex endorsements.

Pilots seeking these endorsements must demonstrate their proficiency in the type of aircraft to the endorsing instructor. 

For a high-performance endorsement, experienced pilots typically need only a few hours of instruction. Our Cessna 182 and Cessna 172XP are ideal for this purpose.

The complex endorsement, which includes mastering features like retractable landing gear, may require more time. Expect to spend at least 10 hours in a complex aircraft. While Springs Aviation doesn’t currently have a complex aircraft in its fleet, our instructors are ready to assist with your endorsement if you can provide or locate an appropriate aircraft.

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